Monday, February 14, 2011

why I need to get organised

Some days it is hard to find a clear path
through the house to walk on.

Hours of my life are wasted looking for things. I am often late to places because I can't find my house keys / sunglasses / the boys' hats / you name it. "Oh, of course the keys are on the bathroom sink. That is a perfectly logical place for them." I am being driven crazy by my own lack of anything even remotely resembling organisation.
So, when I saw that a friend was hosting a "Get Sorty" party - I was in. I saw this as my chance to get help - to make a change. I needed someone to point me in the right direction - to give me practical ideas. So much excitement was felt at the thought of hearing someone talk about how they organise their wardrobe. My situation must be bad.
A couple of nights ago, I sat with 21 other women at the first ever Get Sorty event. We listened to Ronnie - the epitomy of organisation. A lot of us were in awe, and terrified, at the same time. "Will I, too, have to compartmentalise my sock draw to be organised??"
Enter this blog. I want to share my journey towards organisation. Towards getting 'sorty'. I want to share my thoughts and my process along the way. (Assuming I come up with a process!) Show before and after photos. (Which is actually possible now since I found my camera after looking for it for two weeks). Possibly offer items that we don't need or have never used but are too good to just throw out. To share tales of woe with other disorganised souls. To get advice from people with more experience.
My hope is that this blog will show that if I can 'get sorty', then anyone can!


  1. How funny and such a great idea all rolled into one. I too have tried on many occassions to get my house in some sort of Ikea storage order. looks great for a week then all turns back to disaster. It stays this way for awhile till i find the motivation amoungst the clutter again to organise a new strategy to "rearrange" everything.

    I too also have the problem with the car keys. so i now have a hook at the front door, now the problem is normally they are left in the front door, as my hands are full with a crying baby and groceries.
    If ever keys go missing in our house- my husband always checks the front door first.

  2. haha - yeah juggling bags and babies certainly does mean that a lot of things end up in 'interesting' places!
    a hook is a great idea near the front door - then there is a definite place for the keys. although, it would have to be a 'key' sized hook or other things would end up being put there too.
    have you ever noticed that if there is a space, it will be filled by something/lots of things? :)
